Rock Binders, Inc.


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The following language is provided for inclusion of a solid binder specification into the general binder specifications as an asphalt binder extender/modifier (Sulfur Extended Asphalt Modifier, SEAM®) and as a total substitution (Asphalt Replacement Pellets, ARP™) for the asphalt binder in a hot mix paving specification:

The solid hot mix asphalt binder material (SEAM™ &/or ARP™) shall incorporate the following properties and shall be an Agency approved product added at the hot plant into the heated aggregate at a minimum bitumen substitution ratio of 70% AC/30% by weight for SEAM and of course 150% to 200% by weight for ARP;

SEAM shall include the following properties:

Specific Gravity (ASTM C127) - 1.6 minimum at 60° F / 17.5° C.

Softening Point (ASTM D36-mod) ring and ball above 175° F / 80° C. *

*The binder material shall be a solid at 175° F / 80° C with no flow characteristics in a 24 hr. time period.

Appear dark gray or black in color with no apparent odor.

H2S ppm at 300 ° F / 150° C for 120 sec. = 10ppm max. **

Min. plastisizer content 2 to 4% (+/- 1%) =  Rock Binders Inc. certification required

100% ARP™ shall include the above, plus the following specifications added:

Min. plastisizer content 2 to 4% (+/- 1%)

Min. polymeric powder content 20% (+/- 1%)

Mineral Matter, (ASTM as a %) reduced to ash - 25% max.

**H2S concentration will be measured with approved electronic device (e.g.; Draeger Electric) with agitation between 6" and 12" above heated sample (COC) ASTM .

Mixture properties (add following specifications if mix properties are required):

When using ARP or a binder blend of AC & SEAM® and it is mixed with heated aggregate and compacted, the material shall conform to the following requirements and Marshall &/or Hveem mix design properties:

Marshall Flow 0.01 in (mm)  8 min. / Hveem stability of 40 (compacted at 250° F / 120°C.

Hot mix exceeding the maximum plant discharge temperature of 300° F / 150°C shall be rejected and recycled.

Rut tester [APA ("Georgia")] 20k cycles at 140° F H2O with 100 psi = 4 mm max.

TSRST (Tinsel Strength Retained Specimen Test) - 5° C. for SEAM™ and -20 C. for ARP™.

SEAM content [determined by ignition oven minus the nuclear AC content = SEAM content] or an FTIR test (report requirement to be determined by Issuing Agency)

IMPORTANT DESIGN NOTES: Any additional amounts of SEAM and/or ARP will not cause flushing and bleeding as with regular asphalt due in part to weight vs. volume criteria. A minimum ratio by weight of 1.5 to 1 of SEAM pellets to oil is recommended and should be substituted for 30 - 50% of the AC binders. Mix criteria should remain similar to conventional except the stability numbers may be increased. ARP replacement binder to conventional asphalt % can vary, depending on the aggregate, from as high as 1.8 to 1 replacement by weight. Free lime (for anti-strip) should never be used with either SEAM™ or ARP™, use amine or add 1% to 1.5% more SEAM/ARP to mixture to accomplish anti-strip improvement.

see Laboratory Procedure on home page .

Copies of FHWA and/or Local Agency procurement specifications are available by contacting us.

Revised 1-30-03