Free-flowing granules of asphalt binder for adhering pavement lifts to one another.
EZ-Tackote™ is a bagged or bulk, free-flowing asphalt binder that can be used by maintenance personnel or contractors as a bonding agent between lifts of asphalt pavement. It is also the precursor to a pelletized bitumen EZ-pave™ that can be stored outside at ambient temperatures until it is mixed with aggregate and heated to make standard asphalt hot mix.
This product will allow the future development of a "complete paving mixture" with the aggregate and bitumen all in one product. It can be placed on the roadway or other area to be paved and heated with a field burner (infrared heater would be preferable). A small crew with a microwave or infrared heater rather than a big hot plant, haul trucks and paving crews, would far more economically do the paving of rural roadways and parking areas.