Rock Binders, Inc.



PO BOX 3395
LARAMIE,  WYOMING 82701-3395


Table of Contents








The energy crisis of the 1970's spurred efforts to find alternative materials suitable for use in extending asphalt cement. During the same time, surplus sulfur, which had been used informally in asphalt mixtures as early as the turn of the century, was increasing in abundance. The period from 1975-1985 saw the construction of some 75 sulfur-extended asphalt (SEA) pavements across the United States. Some of these experimental test sites were built alongside conventional asphalt control sections to monitor the relative performance of sulfur-extended asphalt pavements. Typical amounts of sulfur used ranged from 20%-40% by binder mass and/or 10%-20% by binder volume.

From 1985-1987, a field study and evaluation was performed on a representative set of sulfur-extended pavements. In that field study report (DP54-01) (1), Beatty, et al concluded that the sulfur-extended pavements performed at least as well as the conventional AC sections. The report also recommended that these pavements be reevaluated in approximately five years to determine long-term performance of sulfur-extended pavements.

A laboratory study was initiated in 1987 to further investigate the initial findings of the field report DP54-01. The results of this laboratory study were reported by Stuart in 1990 in FHWA-RD-90-1 I 0 (2). The pavements included in this evaluation are shown in Table 1.


As a part of FHWA Contract DTFH61-92-C-00 1 70 entitled, "Fundamental Properties of Asphalts and Modified Asphalts", a two-phase study was conducted where the primary focus was data collection and performance evaluation of several in-place SEA sections. Phase I of this study included phone surveys to determine which sections evaluated in FHWA-RD-90-1 1 0 were still in-service and the current condition of the SEA sections. Phase II included site visits, core extractions and data analysis on sections identified in Phase I as candidates for a site visit.

The breakdown of the contract tasks are shown below:

Phase I

Task A - Section Status Evaluation (Phone Surveys)

Task B - Interim Report and Site Selection for Phase II

Phase II

Task A - Site Visits and Data Collection

Task B - Core Handling and Shipping

Task C - Correlation Between Laboratory Testing and Field Performance

Task D - Final Report

These tasks were followed throughout the completion of the study with the exception of Phase II Task C. Originally, it was envisioned that laboratory testing would be completed on the cores extracted from the Phase II site visits. The laboratory testing was to include tests that were recommended for use in the Asphalt Aggregate Mixture System (AAMAS) (3.). Results from these tests were to be used to predict pavement performance with time and correlated to the actual performance obtained from manual distress surveys during the site visits.

However, due to the costs to complete the appropriate testing and the lack of reliable traffic estimates for each SEA section, the decision was made to exclude lab testing on cores extracted from the Phase II site visits and focus primarily on comparisons of field performance between SEA pavements and the associated control pavements (i.e. AC pavements without sulfur).

Laboratory information contained in FHWA-RD-90-110 was used -with the AAMAS procedures prior to the Phase II site visits as an indicator of the distresses that may be present at each site. The procedures and the information gained are reported for each site later in this report.

Technical Memorandums detailing each site visit were completed immediately following each visit. These memos include a summary of the section layout (including milepost or station information), the distress surveys conducted, photos taken during the visits, state reports documenting the sections and any other pertinent information obtained about the SEA and control pavements.


To accomplish these objectives, contacts were made with the various agencies responsible for maintenance of the 18 projects listed in Table 1. These agencies were interviewed to establish whether or not the sulfur-extended asphalt pavement was still in place as originally constructed. For each SEA section that had been rehabilitated, information was gathered on the rehabilitation completed and the condition of the pavement prior to the rehabilitation. For those sections that had not been rehabilitated, the contacts were asked to note the current condition of the pavement and any plans that might exist for rehabilitation. Finally, for those pavements where reconstruction had not yet taken place, the agencies were asked to indicate their willingness to support traffic control and coring, as necessary for potential site visits. Detailed results of these discussions were reported in the Phase I Final Report (4).

Of the eighteen (18) sulfur-extended asphalt projects originally included in FHWA-RD-90-110, six had been rehabilitated prior to our phone surveys conducted in the Fall of 1993. Five of the six have been overlaid. Section 851001 on Route 13 in Greenwood, Delaware was overlaid with a 2.5 cm open-graded friction course. Section 852301 on IH-95 in Benton, Maine and Section 852302 on U.S. Highway 2 in Bristol, Maine had both been overlaid as well, however the actual overlay thicknesses were not available. Section 861301 on U.S. Highway 84 in Bainbridge, Georgia had been overlaid with 6.4 cm of HMAC. Section 862201 on State Highway 22 in Louisiana, although originally reported to still be performing well, was later noted to have been overlaid with 13.97 cm of HMAC in late 1992. The final section was the site on 151st Street in Kansas City, Kansas. This site had been documented to have failed and been reconstructed.

Six of the remaining twelve (12) sections had been treated with one or more chip-seals. Despite placement of the chip-seal, four of the six were considered to be in poor condition at the time of the survey. The remaining six (6) sections tested in FHWA-RD-90-110 were reported to be in service as originally placed at the time of the phone survey.

In pursuing additional information on the eighteen sections above, it became apparent that there are numerous other sulfur projects which could also be considered for evaluation as part of these studies. Table 2 lists some of the additional projects that were identified. In all, 28 additional projects were pursued to see if any of these might be suitable for incorporation in the field performance evaluations. Although information could not be obtained for all of these sections, we were able to establish the status for 20 of the additional projects. Nine still had the original sulfur-extended asphalt surface in service. It should be noted that the only additional projects pursued were those which appeared to geographically compliment the projects twelve remaining from the eighteen originally evaluated by the FHWA. Six sites from this group were selected for incorporation in Phase II of this study. A map of the eighteen sections visited is provided in Figure 1, with details on each site provided in Table 3.

Details on each of the site visits conducted are provided in the following chapter along with a summary noting the status for each of the eighteen test projects visited.


The Following chapter summarizes observations and evaluations resulting from the site visits to each of the 18 sulfur-extended asphalt pavements noted in Table 3.

Visual manual distress surveys were conducted at each of the sites in accordance with FHWA's Long Term Pavement Performance Distress Identification Manual. Summaries of all surveys are provided in Appendix A. A comparison of the distress quantities for sections with and without sulfur is provided in Table 4.

An initial evaluation on the previously completed laboratory testing was conducted when possible, to gain insight on anticipated condition at the various locations. The Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System (AAMAS) models were used with the 1990 lab data to give an indication of the types of distresses (rutting, fatigue cracking and/or low temperature cracking) that may be present and the possible severity, prior to visiting the sites. These analyses are discussed for each site visit under the heading "Comparison of Field Data to Laboratory Data". Previous distress surveys conducted in 1986 were also used for this purpose, but by using the lab information it was anticipated that predictions of progression may be possible (if traffic data for the past 10 years was available).

Coring was conducted to verify layer thicknesses and check for any material deficiencies (i.e. stripping). Detailed laboratory evaluations of these cores were conducted by the FHWA to evaluate the effects of moisture on asphalt concrete paving mixtures. The results are reported in FHWA-RD97-098 (5).

A brief summary of the observations from each visit are provided in the following pages along with discussion on the comparison of model predictions versus the actual observations. Further details about each site visit can be found in technical memorandums completed for each site visit.

Boulder City, Nevada, Section 853201, April 12, 1994


This section is located at the junction of US-93 and 95 near Boulder City, Nevada. The test sections are located on the southbound Railroad Pass ramp of US-95.

Upon arrival, it was noted that the site was in excellent condition. It was immediately determined that some sort of rehabilitation had taken place on the pavement. However, since the exact type of rehabilitation was unknown, it was decided to continue with the coring operations and determine what rehabilitation had taken place. Pavement sections were marked based upon the Sulfur Institute Construction Report written in 1977. Figures from this report were used to determine the beginning station and to determine where the sulfur-extended asphalt thicknesses varied.

The first core was taken at Station 6+50 in the mid-lane. After drilling approximately 4 inches, the core split at the interface between two lifts and could not be extracted. A second core was taken approximately 18 inches away from the first and ended up being approximately 12 1/2 inches thick. Visual observations of the core confirmed that the project had been overlaid. Delineations of the original 4 inches of sulfur-extended asphalt, the 1-inch friction course and the overlay material could be seen on the core.

In an effort to get a clearer picture of exactly what had occurred during rehabilitation, several other cores were taken throughout the project. Cores were taken at Stations 7+50, 10+00, 15+00 and 20+00. It was determined from this operation that the overlay tapered from about a 6-inch overlay at the beginning station to approximately a 2-inch overlay at the ending station. Pictures of the cores taken are included in the technical memorandum completed for the site visit.

After the second core was taken, Mr. Tom Sullivan arrived at the project. He was present on the original construction project and provided good information about the project. Mr. Sullivan originally worked for the US Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines which was responsible for construction of the sections and confirmed that the sections selected were exactly in the right locations. He had no knowledge of the overlay that had occurred but he also noted that he had not been on the site in approximately 2 years. Mr. Sullivan's arrival was extremely helpful in confirming the location of the sites. Upon completion of the coring operation, several pictures of the site were taken and a video walk-through was conducted. No distress surveys were conducted due to the overlay.


Based upon the phone survey conducted under Phase I of this contract, it was relayed to us that no overlay existed on the site. However, upon completion of the coring it was determined that an overlay was present.

After further contact with State DOT research personnel it was determined that the overlay on the ramp was most likely placed during the 1991 construction season. During this season the mainline lanes received a significant overlay rehabilitation and it was planned for the US 95 ramp (where the SEA sections were located) to receive a thin surface friction coarse overlay. It is the State DOT's conclusion that a project level decision was made to continue the mainline overlay down the ramp (tapering to the thin friction coarse) for some unspecified reason. District personnel were also contacted to try and determine why the overlay was continued down the ramp and they were unable to locate that information as well.


Because of the overlay, no significant performance evaluations can be made at this time.


Because of the presence of the overlay, no distress surveys were completed. Therefore, no comparisons (based upon new information) may be made. Also, there is no lab data from FHWARD-90-110 because this site was not included in the original lab evaluations. Therefore, due to these limitations no comparisons or evaluations may be made for this site other than observations from the surveys in 1989 (Beatty, et al) or any state observations.

SH 29, near Wittenberg, Wisconsin, Section 865501, July 7,1994


This section is located on State Highway 29 in Shawan County between Witterberg and Tilleda and was placed in 1982. The project contained a single SEA mix placed in four different cross-sections and also includes four asphalt concrete control sections. The SEA mix remained as the surface layer, but was in poor condition at the time of the site visit. Some milling (3/4" deep) was performed to remove minor rutting (1/4" to 1/2" in depth), but only occurred in a few areas. State Highway 29 was being redesigned as a superhighway and the roadway containing the SEA pavement was to be completely reconstructed at the start of the 1994 construction season.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation provided a location map and plan sheets for the site and had placed sign markers identifying the test sections. With assistance from State DOT personnel, the test sections were located that had been previously studied in the 1986 survey.

Initially, the virgin sulfur-extended asphalt mix over the 12 inches of granular base located in the eastbound lane was cored and surveyed. The test section was located at approximately the same stationing that was used in the 1986 survey. The 500-foot test section was located from Station 385+50 to 390+50. Six cores were taken at this site with three in the outer wheelpath and three in the mid-lane. Six 6-inch diameter cores were taken from the pavement.

The control section consisted of an unmodified AC over the same 12 inches of granular base material and was located further east in the eastbound lane. Six cores were also taken from this test section. This section was also located in the same approximate location as the 1986 survey. The test section stations began at 567+00 and ended at 572+00. The last 26 meters of the section crossed an intersection.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it was relayed that the sections were in poor condition. It was also noted that some milling had occurred to remove some of the surface distress and roughness. The SEA mix had been milled approximately 3/4 of an inch to remove some rutting and cracking. The control section had been milled approximately one inch and inlaid with one inch of asphalt concrete. The control section had some pretty severe ruts of over one inch before the inlay, and therefore, the State chose to do some rehabilitation around 1990. The previous survey conducted in 1986 indicated that both sections had some rutting with the control being the more severe. This again was noted during the Phase II visit. There was only slight rutting in the sulfur mix with an average of about 7.7 millimeters in the outer wheelpath. The control section had rutting with an average of over 11.5 millimeters and some points over 20mm.

Both the SEA and control mix exhibited some transverse cracking, however, it was very difficult to get a good indication of the progression of cracking due to the rehabilitations that had occurred on both sections. From all indications it seems as though the SEA section had more transverse cracks and the cracks at some locations seemed to be more severe. This may be due to the fact that there was a two-foot extended lane that made up part of the shoulder. This extended lane in the sulfur section had several wide transverse cracks (49 in the 500-foot test section) that started on the edge of pavement and progressed all the way up to the edge stripe. Some of the cracks had progressed past the edge stripe but did not extend all the way across the lane. These transverse cracks at one point probably did extend all the way across the lane to the center stripe because there were also several cracks that emanated from the center stripe at the same approximate station as the transverse crack that extended out past the edge stripe across the adjacent lane. The milling that occurred on the SEA pavement must have removed the wide surface crack and left only the micro-crack. Due to the rain during the survey and the water that was standing on the pavement, this type of crack would have been very difficult to see and therefore may not have been traceable.

The control section also exhibited transverse cracking but due to the inlay the cracks were only detectable on the extended lane edge. The frequency of the transverse cracks on the extended lane edge, however, was considerably lower on the control section than on the sulfur section. Also, the severity of the transverse cracks on the control section was not as high on the SEA section.

Raveling was present on both sections and was located in the mid-lane and was approximately one meter wide. The raveling was rated as low severity and did not exist in either of the wheel paths. There was no fatigue cracking present on the SEA section, however there was a considerable amount of fatigue cracking on the control section. The control section exhibited some portions of fatigue cracking in both wheelpaths that was in excess of a half a meter wide, however, most of the fatigue cracking was less than a tenth of a meter wide. It is unknown whether the fatigue cracking initiated at the bottom of the inlay or at the bottom of the existing asphalt concrete surface coarse. Therefore, any comparisons of the fatigue cracking between the SEA and control section may be misleading.


Due to the rehabilitation that occurred on both sections, an evaluation will be very subjective in nature. However, it seems as though the sulfur-extended asphalt section was performing much better in terms of rutting than the control section and at present there are more transverse cracks on the SEA section than there are on the control section. Also, the severity of the transverse cracks on the SEA section seem to be greater than on the control section.


From the initial evaluation of this Wisconsin site, it was predicted that there should be a very high amount of rutting in the AC control section and a moderate amount in the SEA section based on the accumulated permanent strain in the asphalt concrete layer from the 1990 laboratory testing. This was consistent with the observations made in the field and the previous distress surveys. However, fatigue cracking was not predicted for the control or the SEA sections. This was definitely not the case with the control because fatigue cracking was found in both wheelpaths and at times was greater than a half meter wide and of moderate severity. Fatigue cracking was not found in the SEA section. Low temperature cracking was predicted to occur at lower to moderate test temperatures because a slight change in temperature could produce transverse cracks. The distresses noted did indicate that the pavements (SEA and control) probably did contain low temperature cracking because of the numerous transverse cracks that were present.

Loop 495, Nacogdoches, Texas, Section 854803. September 6, 1994


The site is located just north of downtown on Loop 495, which is also known as Business Route 59 (or North Avenue) in Nacogdoches. Construction was completed in 1983 and consisted of one SEA section and one AC control section. The original surface was still present and was in fair condition at the time of the survey. The SEA mix was placed as a plant-mixed seal on the surface (2.5 cm thick). Rehabilitation of the roadway was planned for late 1994.

The sulfur mix was placed in the northbound lanes and the AC control section was directly adjacent in the southbound lanes. The previous sampling areas used for Report FHWA-RD-90-110 were easily located and the 152 1/2-meter test sections and sampling areas were located in these areas. It should be noted that FM-343 (also known as Industrial Drive), intersects Loop 495 within the project location. The test sections that were surveyed and sampled for the conventional AC control section were located in the southbound, outside lane, approximately 142 meters south of the intersection with FM 343. The SEA section, was located in the northbound, outside lanes approximately 150 meters north of the intersection with FM 343.

A total of eight cores were retrieved from the control section, four in the outside wheelpath and four in the inside wheelpath. The open-graded friction course, the surface layer and the binder layer cored with no problems. However, the asphalt material below these layers had experienced significant stripping and generally was not retrievable. A total of eight cores were also retrieved for the SEA section, and the same stripping problem was encountered on this section.


It was found that while the rut measurements were comparable between the two sections, the surface distress was much worse on the AC control section than on the SEA section. While both sections exhibited bleeding and had a number of transverse cracks, the AC control section had a significantly higher number of transverse cracks than the SEA section. Fatigue cracking was also present throughout a large portion of the AC section that was not present on the SEA section.


Initial observations indicated that although both sections did exhibit various distresses, the AC control section was significantly more distressed than the SEA section. On average, the rutting was slightly higher on the AC control section than on the SEA section. Fatigue cracking was also noted in the AC control section but was not noted on the SEA section. There were also significantly more transverse cracks in the AC control section than in the SEA section.


There was no initial evaluation for this site, because data did not exist in the FHWA-RD-90-110 Report. However, a comparison with the distress data from the 1986 survey did show that alligator (fatigue) cracking had developed in the control section that had not developed in the SEA section. Bleeding in the SEA section had increased considerably but had stayed at about the same level in the control section. Rutting had begun to develop in both sections, which was not noted in the 1986 survey. Longitudinal cracking in the control section had decreased considerably. However, at the time of the 1986 survey, these cracks were more than likely the beginning of fatigue cracks. Therefore, it is anticipated that a drop in longitudinal cracking and an increase in fatigue cracking would occur.

In summary, the SEA section was performing better than the AC control section when comparing the amount of fatigue cracking (and severity) and the number of reported transverse cracks. Rutting between the two sections was not statistically different and therefore could be considered the same.

MH 153 (Wellborn Road), College Station, Texas, Section 854802, November 17, 1994


This section is located on MH 153 or Welborn Road in Bryan/College Station. The section was placed during the years of 1976 to 1978. There are two different SEA mixes, each containing three sections and there are two asphalt concrete control sections. State Personnel were not familiar with the SEA projects and initially indicated that no rehabilitation had occurred on the site. However, BRE personnel familiar with the section of roadway containing the SEA mixes indicated that a chip-seal had been placed in 1988 by the City of Bryan. The State Personnel confirmed this with the city and obtained information regarding the chip seal. The condition of the roadway during the Phase II survey was poor. Rehabilitation at this particular site was planned for 1995.

The Texas DOT had provided excerpts from a construction report written at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and had also obtained records from the Texas DOT Record Management Branch that showed the location of the site on Welborn Road. From previous inquiries, the test section that had been cored and surveyed during the 1986 survey was located and marked for the Phase II surveys. Dr. Don Saylak, a TTI Research Engineer who worked on the original construction project, was also present during this survey and confirmed the test section locations.

The TTI construction report showed that there were several different SEA test sections located along the 3,000-foot roadway that contained the SEA sections and the control sections. Interest was focused primarily on the 30/70 SEA mix that had an aggregate blend of 75% bank run river gravel and 25% sand. Other test sections included a 40/60 SEA mix with an aggregate blend of 75% bank river gravel and 25% sand, a 40/60 SEA sand mix and a 30/70 SEA sand mix. Only the 30/70 aggregate test section was surveyed and mapped previously, therefore, efforts were concentrated on locating and mapping that section for the Phase II surveys.

Eight 4-inch diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) on both the SEA and AC control sections. Coring was completed by TxDOT personnel and no problems were encountered during the coring operations.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that both the SEA and the control sections were in poor condition. Based on information provided by TxDOT personnel from the City of Bryan, a chip seal had been placed on the SEA and control sections around 1988 or 1989. The coring operation confirmed the presence of the chip seal and could be observed on cores from the SEA and AC control sections. Total pavement thickness was approximately seven inches with six inches of a bituminous base course material and a one-inch friction course.

The SEA site had a moderate amount of low severity fatigue cracking and several wheelpath longitudinal cracks. The control section had a greater amount of fatigue cracking and also the severity level was classified as medium. There were also several wheelpath longitudinal cracks in the control section and none of these cracks had been sealed like the SEA section. There were approximately the same number of transverse cracks between the two sections and the severity between the two was approximately the same.

One major difference between the control and the SEA section was the amount of rutting. The SEA section had an average rutting measurement that was higher than the control section. Also, there were several areas along the SEA section where the rutting was much more severe than the average. This did not show up in the calculation of the average because measurements were only taken every 15.3m. The SEA section had low severity bleeding in the wheelpaths existing throughout the entire section. The AC control section did not exhibit this bleeding. The existence of the bleeding probably has nothing to do with the inclusion of sulfur in the SEA mix but was probably due to the chip seal that was placed in 1988.

One item to note is that the chip seal that was placed on the SEA section was placed at a different time than the chip seal placed on the control section. The reason that this occurred was due to the fact that maintenance of portions of Welborn Road was handed over to the cities of Bryan and College Station. The AC control section that was cored (due to the configuration of the test section in relation to the traffic signals) was located in College Station and the SEA control section was located in the city of Bryan. Therefore, the chip seals were placed at different times and by personnel from each city.


Rutting in the SEA sections was more severe than the control section and although there was plenty of fatigue cracking in the SEA section, it was not as severe as the control section. In terms of performance, both sections seemed to be performing very poorly. This may be due to the underdesign on the road with the level of traffic that was being carried. It was understood that maintenance of this particular roadway section had been transferred back to the state and therefore some major rehabilitation may take place.


After conferring with state DOT personnel it was determined that the average daily traffic (ADT) for this particular section of roadway ranged from 18,000-20,000 vehicles per day. Therefore, from this estimate a total number of cycles that had been applied to the pavement was determined using the beginning traffic from the construction report. The AAMAS system identified that low temperature cracking for this particular site should not be a problem and that was certainly the case because no low temperature cracks were found during the site evaluation. However, the AAMAS system did indicate that rutting and fatigue cracking would be a problem.

Visual inspection of the cores indicated that stripping was evident and was mainly at the bottom of the core near the subgrade. The stripping was probably due to the bank run river gravel that was used in the asphalt concrete mix. As a side note, one core from the 40/60 sand mix test sections was taken at the request of the TTI Research Engineer. This core was in very good shape and did not indicate any underlying failures from the SEA mix.

IH 10, Pecos County, Texas, Section 854801, April 13,1995


This section is located on Interstate 10 in Pecos County and was placed in September of 1981. There was only one SEA mix placed with one AC control section and one SEA section. Two seal coats have been placed on the SEA section and the condition of the roadway at the time of the survey is good. Rehabilitation was anticipated during 1995.

The Texas Department of Transportation in Odessa, Texas provided information for the specific location of the sulfur project and personnel from Texas DOT to assist in coring operations for this site visit.

The project is located on Interstate 10 between Mileposts 297.5 and 306.7. The sulfur-extended asphalt mix portion of the project is located between Mileposts 302.8 and 306.7. The AC control section is no longer in service for this project, because it was overlaid in 1988 and microsurfaced in 1990. The 152.5 meter SEA test section and sampling area was located at Milepost 306. This is one mile west of the intersection with U.S. Highway 190. The test section was located in the westbound direction in the outside travel lane.

As previously mentioned, the AC control section was no longer in service and was not cored. The SEA section consisted of a 1-inch Type D mix over a 2-inch Type C sulfur modified mix. During coring operations, although the cores were all retrievable, stripping was evident in the bottom SEA (Type C) lift. A total of eight cores were retrieved from this test section. A visual inspection of the cores and pavement showed that a surface treatment was placed on the test section. Review of report DP54-01 (Beatty et al) indicated that this seal coat was placed in June, 1985.


The predominant distress found on the SEA test section was bleeding. There was approximately 76 meters of longitudinal cracking in the wheel paths, most of which was sealed. There were also a number of transverse cracks that were sealed. Rutting existed in both wheel paths and was on the average of 4-6 millimeters, with no rutting greater than 10 millimeters measured.


With only one section remaining at this location, there are no other sections for comparison purposes. It can be speculated that the removal and replacement of the control section is an indication of poor performance. Discussions with local TXDOT personnel confirmed this speculation, however, actual distress data was unavailable for AC control sections prior to the overlay.


From the AAMAS system, it was predicted that rutting and fatigue cracking should be present for this site. Rutting did exist but was minor and there was limited longitudinal cracking in the wheel paths. The seal coat and the associated bleeding may mask distresses that existed on the original surface. As previously mentioned, stripping was evident in the cores (bottom layer) retrieved from the test section.

US 2, Minot, North Dakota, Section 853801, May 10, 1995


This project is located on combined Routes U.S. 2-52 and was placed in September of 1982. There are four different SEA mixes present each having an AC control section. There are two sections of a 20/80 mix, five sections of a 30/70 mix, one section of a 40/60 mix and three sections of a 25/75 mix. All SEA surface layers are still present and were in fair to poor condition at the time of the survey. Rehabilitation of the SEA pavement was expected in 1996. The original field survey report prepared by the FHWA indicated that a chip-seal had been placed in 1985 but the survey completed in Phase I of this project did not indicate this rehabilitation or any other. The rehabilitation noted in the field survey report was later verified with the state.

Project plans and typical sections for the sulfur-extended asphalt project on US-2 just northwest of Minot, North Dakota and excerpts from a research report provided by the NDDOT Materials Division, were used to locate and lay out the asphalt concrete control section and two sulfur-extended asphalt sections. Previous core locations were not readily apparent on the roadway because of minor patching and chip seals that had occurred over the years.

Three test sections were surveyed and cored which included the asphalt control section, a 30/70 SEA mixture found in both the surface and base course and a 25/75 SEA mixture that was also found in the surface and base course. It should be noted that there were several other SEA test sections located on this 6-mile stretch of pavement, however, efforts were concentrated only on those sections that had been previously reviewed and surveyed by the FHWA. The asphalt control section and the 25/75 SEA section were located on the driving or outside lane and the 30/70 SEA mixture was located on the passing or inside lane.

Eight, 4-inch diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpatli) on both SEA sections and the control section were taken. Four cores were taken at approximately Station 0-10 and four more at approximately Station 5+10. Coring was completed by NDDOT personnel and no problems were encountered during the coring operations. One core was also taken in the 30/70 SEA mix over a transverse crack in an effort to determine the possible formation of the crack and also show if any stripping was occurring along the depth of the crack. It was noted that cores taken from the SEA sections did not have the pungent smell of sulfur that had been identified in many of the other SEA sections during other site visits. One possible explanation for this may have been that liquid sulfur was used in these sections which may have blended better with the asphalt cement than the colloid mixtures that were used on several of the previous projects.

It was understood that NDDOT will provide some sort of significant rehabilitation in the next 1-2 years on this particular project. This may include an overlay because the northbound lanes were overlaid in previous years.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the control and SEA sections were in fair to poor condition. Conclusions were also drawn from previous site surveys and from NDDOT personnel that a chip seal and other surface patching had been placed on the control and SEA sections from 1985 to present. The most. recent repair was on the AC control section and included a surface seal in the driving lane (the lane where the visual distress surveys were completed). It was observed that there were some transverse cracks that started in the passing lane of the control section that were covered up by the surface seal as they migrated across the lane and into the driving lane. All sections also included some rut level-up rehabilitation in the wheel paths.

From the coring operations, the surface seals could be observed on the SEA and control sections. Total pavement thickness ranged from 11.0cm (4.3 inches) to 17.5cm (6.9 inches). The typical sections provided by the state indicate that when constructed in 1979, the pavement was 8.9cm (3.5 inches) asphalt concrete over 29.2cm (11.5 inches) of aggregate base. These typical sections include both the SEA sections and the asphalt control section. The thicknesses recorded are consistent with those as reported in FHWA-RD-90-110.


In comparison, all three test sections seemed to possess the same types of distress. Transverse or thermal cracks seemed to be the most prevalent distress type present. The 30/70 SEA sections had the highest number of occurrences of these t-cracks however, the 25/75 SEA sections had. the greatest number of high severity t-cracks. As mentioned previously, the AC control section did have a surface seal present and therefore some of the t-cracks were covered up. This would seem to skew the results somewhat but it is still believed that a fairly accurate assessment of the comparable performance can be maintained. The AC control and 25/75 SEA sections exhibited a fair amount of pumping along the transverse cracks. The 30/70 SEA mix did not show this type of pumping. Rutting measurements were essentially the same between the three sections however, district personnel indicated that rutting and shoving had been a significant problem along the entire 14-mile project which included the six miles of the SEA. Therefore, the chip seal and rut level-up were used to remedy this situation. All three sections exhibited some bleeding however that may have been due to the tack coat that was placed for the chip seals.


After conferring with State DOT personnel, it was determined that the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for this particular section ranged from 8,000-12,000 vehicles per day with approximately 10% trucks. Therefore, from this estimate the total number of cycles that have been applied to the pavement were determined using the beginning traffic from the construction report. The AAMAS System determined that all three distresses (rutting, fatigue cracking and low temperature cracking) for this particular site could be problematic. Observations of rutting and low temperature cracking seemed to agree with the AAMAS analysis. Fatigue cracking was predicted by the AAMAS System to be fairly significant (based upon the low number of cycles to failure) however, fatigue cracking was not observed as a significant distress during the site evaluation.

Visual inspection of the cores indicated that there was very little stripping present throughout the entire 6-mile section. However, the four cores taken at the 0+00 end of the 25/75 SEA test section had evidence of stripping. Upon moving to the 5+00 end of the test section, the stripping that was noted in the previous cores was not present. Due to time constraints on the coring rig, more coring was not completed around the SEA section to determine where the stripping problems began and ended.

Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, California, Sections 860601 and 860602, June 5, 1995


The sites on Lincoln Avenue arc located approximately 2.4 kilometers apart and were both still available for study. Section 860602 was the only project that was included in the FHWA laboratory study, and rehabilitation was indicated to possibly occur within two years.

The Anaheim City Civil Engineer, provided project construction plans detailing the location of the sulfur-extended asphalt sites as well as the control sections.

The first sulfur-extended asphalt section (SEA #1) was located just east of Villa Place Street, in front of the Norm's Restaurant. The corresponding asphalt control section was located just east of West Street and is intersected by Illinois Street (AC Control #I). The second sulfur-extended asphalt section (SEA #2) began in the eastbound lanes of Lincoln Avenue where Evergreen Street intersects with Lincoln Avenue. The second asphalt control section (AC Control #2) was located just west of State College Boulevard in the eastbound lane. It should be noted that the two asphalt control sections were marked on the eastbound lane curbs by use of benchmark pins. All test sections were located on the outside lanes of the eastbound direction on Lincoln Avenue. The sections were marked to be 300-foot long sections because the asphalt control sections were built as only 300-foot sections.

Eight, 4-inch diameter cores (four mid-lane and four wheelpath) on both the SEA and control sections were taken. Coring was split up by taking four cores at approximately Station 0-10 (west end) and four more at approximately Station 3+10 (east end).


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the controls and sulfur-extended asphalt sections were in good condition, however, rehabilitation on Lincoln Avenue could possibly be occurring in the near future. The previous site surveys conducted in 1986 showed that there was very little distress on any of the four test sections and the distress that was present was only minor. During the Phase II survey, it was noticed that there was some distress development in the test section lanes that was due to extreme circumstances and did not really reflect the performance of the pavement. For example, there were utility patches and maintenance hole covers on some of the sections that caused some cracking to occur off of the patched areas. Also, it was noticed that there was some raveling in the driving lanes in front of business driveways where several turning movements were occurring. The sulfur-extended asphalt test sections were located on relatively straight portions of Lincoln Avenue, however, the asphalt control sections (which were preset by the City) were located on areas of Lincoln Avenue with slight horizontal curvature (which may cause distress to develop differently). It was also noticed on one of the sulfur-extended asphalt sections, that a patch of fatigue cracking had occurred outward from a previous core hole location.

The coring operations provided information where discrepancies in pavement layer thickness on SEA #1 and its corresponding control section were noted. The total pavement thicknesses for these two sections ranged from 32.0cm (12.6 inches) to 8.0cm (3.1 inches). However, thickness of the sulfur-extended asphalt overlay averaged about 5.0cm (2 inches) on SEA #1 with very little variation. The overlay thickness data agrees with the information provided by the City of Anaheim and specifically the design and construction report written by Ralph Harp in 1983. The second SEA section (located between State College Boulevard and East Street) had varying sulfur-extended asphalt thicknesses across the lanes. This is detailed in the City of Anaheim design and construction report. A portion of the lanes had approximately 10.5cm (4.2 inches) of sulfur-extended asphalt while the other portions of the lanes had approximately 3.0cm (1.2 inches) of sulfur-extended asphalt mix. From the cores that were taken during the Phase II site visit, our evaluations were conducted on the lane that contained the 10.5cm overlay of SEA mix.

Traffic between the sections varied in terms of Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The section from Citron Street to Interstate 5 had approximately 23,000 ADT and the sections from State College Boulevard to East Street had approximately 27,000 ADT. Both sections seem to be carrying approximately 3-4% trucks.


In comparison, all four test sections seem to possess the same types of distress and three out of the four had very little distress present. The only section with a significant amount of distress was the second asphalt control section located just west of State College Boulevard. One possible explanation for the increased distress could be that this section is near a busy intersection. Portions of the pavement immediately adjacent to the intersection were not included in the visual distress surveys, because during the high traffic periods a significant amount of traffic is backed up on to the asphalt control section with slower speeds and stopping movements. The asphalt control section is also located, as previously mentioned, on a slight horizontal curve which may also cause an increase in the amount of distress present.

Rutting measurements were not taken on any of the test sections for two separate reasons. The first reason being that there was very little discernible rutting present on any of the sections along Lincoln Avenue. This is probably due to the fairly low percentage of trucks that travel on Lincoln Avenue and those trucks that do travel are not the very heavy 18-wheeler trucks. The second reason was due to the significant cross slope that is present across the lanes. All of the test sections have an outer lane that is used as a parking lane. The cross slope to this parking lane is fairly significant and also causes a fair amount of vehicle wander along the outside lane. Due to the significant wander it is very difficult to locate true wheel paths in which to take the rut depth measurement.


The AAMAS System, indicated that all three distresses (rutting, fatigue cracking and load temperature cracking) for this particular site would not be a problem. Field evaluations on the sites seemed to agree with the AAMAS analysis, however, the distress noted in AC Control #2 did indicate that there may be something else occurring that was causing it to perform differently than the others.

Visual inspection of the cores was hampered slightly by the fact that the cores were extracted with an unstable coring rig. However, there was no indication that significant stripping was occurring in the sulfur-extended asphalt portions of the cores. It was noted that some stripping had occurred in the lower layers of several of the cores, but this may have been due to the age of the asphalt pavement itself.

IH 15, Barstow/Baker, California, Section 850601, June 6, 1995


This project is located on Interstate 15 west of Baker and has two different SEA mixes with corresponding control sections. The surfaces have been chip-sealed twice; once in 1987 or 1988 and then another chip-seal placed in 1992. The current condition of the two sections had been classified as fair with a lot of alligator cracking that is reflecting through the chip seal but with no apparent rutting. There were no rehabilitation plans scheduled for the next five years. Reports were obtained that outlined the construction and monitoring that the State of California did on this section and a corresponding section on Route 6, near Benton. From that research report, the exact locations of the test sections was identified.

Three test sections were surveyed and cored which included an asphalt control section, a 20/80 SEA mixture and a 40/60 SEA mixture. It should be noted that there were several other SEA test sections located along the project, however, the Phase II survey efforts were concentrated only on those sections that had been previously reviewed and surveyed. The SEA sections that were surveyed were located in the outside northbound lane of Interstate 15. The 20/80 SEA section was located between Milepost 109.15 and Milepost 109.58. The 40/60 SEA section was located between Milepost 109.58 and Milepost 109.94. These two SEA sections had approximately 7.6cm (3 inches) of SEA placed in a single lift. The asphalt control section was located between Milepost 107.75 and Milepost 108.25 and was built with an AR-4000 asphalt cement. The outside northbound lane was again surveyed for this project and included a 7.6cm (3-inch) layer placed in one lift.

There was a second asphalt control section that was constructed with an AR-2000 asphalt cement that was not surveyed. This was an oversight because the sulfur-extended asphalt sections were actually constructed with a mixture of sulfur and the AR-2000 asphalt cement. Therefore comparison between the control and the sulfur sections may be somewhat skewed, however, it was noticed that the entire length of the project that included all of the test sections was performing about the same. Therefore, this oversight hopefully will not bias the results substantially.

Eight, 4-inch diameter cores (four mid-lane and four wheelpath) on both SEA sections and the control sections were taken. Four cores were taken by at approximately Station 0-10 (the lower milepost) and four more at approximately Station 5+10. It should be noted that the first two cores extracted out of the asphalt control sections were full depth cores whereas, subsequent cores were taken to include only the top 7.6cm (3.0 inches) overlay.


During conversations with State personnel it was noted that prior to the chip seals there was a fair amount of fatigue cracking on the pavement. However, in test sections surveyed in Phase II fatigue cracking was not noted to be reflecting through the chip seals.

From the coring operations, the chip seal could be observed on both SEA and control sections. Total pavement thickness from the first two cores is approximately 26cm (10.2 inches). The typical pavement sections provided by the State indicated that when constructed in 1982, 7.6cm (three inches) of asphalt concrete or SEA was placed over 16.5cm (6.5 inches) of dense-graded asphalt concrete over 20.4cm (8 inches) of aggregate base over 22.9cm (9 inches) of aggregate subbase. The sections were originally constructed in 1964 with an open-graded asphalt concrete on the surface. This open-graded course was milled off and replaced with the 7.6cm (3 inches) of SEA or asphalt concrete in 1982. As mentioned, the sections also had two chip seals placed in the last few years. The overall pavement thicknesses recorded from the cores were consistent with those as reported in FHWA-RD90-110.


In comparison, all three test sections seemed to possess the same types of distress. The distresses found most often were longitudinal cracks and transverse cracks. The asphalt control section did exhibit some longitudinal cracking along the edge almost the entire length of this section. As noted previously, there was very little fatigue cracking noted in any of the sections. On all three sections, raveling of the chip seal was noted along the inside lane edge. The raveling and the longitudinal cracking was not believed to be indicative of the performance of the asphalt concrete mixture but would indicate a problem with the chip seal in the case of the raveling and a problem with the shoulder conditions in the case of the longitudinal edge cracking. Each test section exhibited approximately the same number of transverse cracks and approximate total length of cracking with the 20/80 SEA section exhibiting the least amount. In terms of the longitudinal cracking, the asphalt control section exhibited the highest amount of cracking and most of this occurred in the wheelpath. The two SEA sections exhibited almost the same amount of longitudinal cracking, however, the 20/80 SEA section had the higher of severity cracking than the 40/60 SEA section.


After conferring with CALTRANS personnel, it was determined that the average daily traffic (ADT) for this particular section is approximately 26,000 (ADT) and truck traffic accounts for 15% of the ADT. Therefore, from this estimate a total number of cycles that has been applied to the pavement since overlay construction was determined. The AAMAS System determined that low temperature cracking might be a problem for the 20/80 SEA section, fatigue cracking may also be a problem for the 20/80 SEA mix and rutting should not be a problem in any of the sections.

From the field evaluations it was noted that AAMAS correctly identified that rutting would not be a problem as well as correctly identified that low temperature cracking and fatigue cracking should not create a problem in the controls or the 40/60 SEA mix. In the 20/80 SEA section that AAMAS did predict to have some fatigue and thermal cracking, it was observed that very little fatigue and very few transverse cracks were actually present but it should be kept in mind that these distress may have been present prior to the chip seals.

Visual inspection of the cores did not indicate that either the SEA or asphalt control sections were stripping. However, there is a possibility that after splitting the cores may have indicated that some

stripping may be present. It was difficult to determine from the extracted cores whether or not stripping was actually a problem.

US 50A, Fernley, Nevada, Section 853202, June 8, 1995


The Nevada DOT in Carson City provided information on previous core locations that Nevada DOT had taken on previous studies. These notes assisted in locating the appropriate sections for the surveys.

Two test sections were surveyed and cored which included the asphalt control section and a 26/74 SEA mixture. This project was built as a 7.6cm (3-inch) overlay over an existing asphalt concrete surface and a granular base. The project consisted of approximately one mile of SEA pavement and eight miles of AC control pavement. The test section lane was located in the westbound direction and the control was located from Milepost 72.9 to Milepost 73.0. The 26/74 SEA section was located from Milepost 70.9 to Milepost 71.0.

Eight, 4-inch diameter cores (four mid-lane and four wheelpath) on both the SEA section and the control section were taken. Four cores were taken at approximately Station 0-10 (the high Milepost) and four more at approximately Station 5+10.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the control and SEA sections were in good condition. However, upon arrival at the sites it was noticed that the test sections were actually in very poor condition. It had become apparent that since the last site visit in 1985 that a significant amount of distress development has occurred. Several of the transverse and longitudinal cracks had become quite fatigued. This phenomenon is probably caused by a weak base structure underlying the pavement and the inclusion of moisture in that base.

The coring operations revealed several underlying asphalt concrete layers. Total pavement thickness on the asphalt control section ranged from 27.0cm (10.5 inches) to 23.5cm (9.2 inches) and pavement thickness on the SEA section ranged from 17.0cm (6.7 inches) to 22.0cm (8.7 inches). There were no typical sections provided by the State to indicate the as-built constructed thicknesses for this overlay and since this site was not included in the FHWA-RD-90-110 there is no way to verify the overlay thickness and the underlying pavement thicknesses.


In comparison, the two test sections seemed to possess the same types of distress. Transverse or thermal cracks and longitudinal cracks seemed to be the most prevalent distress present. The AC control section had the higher quantities and severity of both the transverse and longitudinal cracks. There was more fatigue cracking (as related to the underlying failures) on the sulfur-extended asphalt section, however, the fatigue cracking on the control section was more severe. It was also noted that around Station 2+50 on the SEA section that a culvert was present. On either side of the culvert there seemed to be a significant increase in the distress that was present on the pavement. There was slight rutting noticed in both the control and SEA sections with the SEA exhibiting slightly more (but not statistically different) than the asphalt control.


Because this section was not previously cored and included in FHWA-RD-90-110 there is no way to compare the field data collected during the Phase II survey to any laboratory data. Therefore, use of the Asphalt Aggregate Mixture Analysis System (AAMAS) to predict occurrences of the distresses was not possible.

Visual inspection of the cores did not indicate stripping in the sulfur-extended asphalt or conventional asphalt layers. However, it was observed that several different asphalt concrete layers under the 7.6cm (3-inch) overlay did exist. This would indicate some type of stage construction over the past several years. The cores indicated that several different types of aggregate and possibly asphalt cements were used for construction of the AC layers underlying the current surface. Splitting of the cores may have provided more insight into the stripping evaluations.

Southwest 16th Ave., Gainesville, Florida, Section 861201, November 7, 1995


The Florida DOT in Gainesville marked the test sections based on information gathered from Florida DOT records and reports. Four test sections were surveyed which included two sulfur-extended asphalt sections and two control sections. The SEA sections consisted of a 30/70 blend of sulfur to asphalt and was incorporated into the base layer. The first two sections surveyed consisted of a 3-inch base layer, the first section containing the straight asphalt and the second section containing the 30/70 SEA blend. The next two sections consisted of a 5-inch base layer with the first section consisting of the 30/70 SEA blend and the second section containing the straight asphalt. Both sections had a 1-inch dense-graded friction course on top of the bases. Each section was approximately 600 feet in length and section 2 (3-inch SEA base) and section 4 (5-inch asphalt base) had intersections within the experimental test section. These intersections were not included in the overall distress survey.

The sections were never cored by the FHWA and were not included in the evaluation from FHWA Report RD-90-110. Therefore, no cores were taken as part of this evaluation.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the sections were in good condition. Based on the field survey and assessment completed by Beatty et al, reflective cracking in the sections was expected. However, there was not a discernable pattern of reflective cracking in any of the sections and very little cracking on any of the sections (with the exception of the 3-inch base control section). The previous survey noted that rutting was observed in design section three which is the 5-incb base control section and this was consistent with the observations of the Phase II survey completed.


In comparing the control sections to the sulfur-extended asphalt sections, there seemed to be some slight discrepancies that may or may not relate to the inclusion of sulfur into the pavement. One of the notable exceptions was the excessive amount of fatigue cracking noted on the 3-inch base control section. This did not follow the same trend that was noted on the other three sections and very possibly could have been a result of the underlying structure. Another notable exception was the presence of potholes in the 3-inch SEA section whereas there were no other potholes noticed on any of the other sections. These potholes also could have been a result of the underlying pavement structure. Rutting also seemed to be fairly consistent throughout the sections with only one exception. This exception is noted in the 5-inch SEA section where the inner wheelpath had a much lower measured rutting than the rest of the inner wheelpath measurements.


Because this section was not previously cored and included in FHWA-RD-90-110 there is no way to compare the Phase II field data to any laboratory data. Therefore, use of the AAMAS to predict any of the distresses that may be present was not attempted.

Route 225, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Section 865601, April 23, 1996


This section is located on Route 225 west of Cheyenne and was placed in 1978. There is one SEA section and one AC control section. The SEA mix is still the surface layer and was in good to fair condition at the time of the survey. Some minor maintenance had been performed which included some crack sealing and patching. There were no plans for rehabilitation in the next five years. This section is a 16.4 kilometers section on a rural road that is basically divided into two sections in terms of traffic. One section has approximately 100 ADT and the other has approximately 1,000 ADT.

The Wyoming DOT provided information containing the milepost information for the sulfur sections and the asphalt control section. Sections that contained an AC control section and a 20/80 SEA section were marked based on this information. The AC control section was located from Milepost 356.5 to 356.4, and the SEA section was located from Milepost 356.0 to 355.9.

As mentioned, two sections were surveyed and cored, which included the asphalt control and the 20/80 sulfur-extended asphalt mixture. The survey was conducted on the westbound lanes of Route 225, which is also called Otto Road. It should be noted that on the east side of Otto Road, located around Milepost 355, is an industrial plant of some kind. Traffic coming out of the plant, which headed east toward the interstate was much higher than traffic headed west out of the plant. The decision was made to survey the road west of the plant due to the fact that it was only a two-lane road and safety could have been a problem because of the trucks coming out of the plant heading towards the interstate.


Based on the phone survey conducted under -Phase I, it had been relayed that the control and SEA sections were in fair condition. Information from the previous site surveys and from the Wyoming DOT personnel indicated that some patching and crack sealing had been applied over the life of the pavement. As noted previously, traffic estimates differ considerably on different sections of this road. Visual inspection of the higher trafficked road showed that there was considerably more distress present.

From the coring operations, the average total pavement thickness ranged from 16cm to 20cm. The sections were designed to have approximately 5cm of either the HMAC or SEA mix placed over an existing pavement. It is unknown what the existing pavement cross-section was supposed to be from the information provided by the state. However, the upper 5cm thickness recorded from the cores is consistent with those reported in FHWA-RD-90-110.


In comparison, the two sections seem to possess the same types of distress but in different quantities. Prevalent distresses were longitudinal and transverse cracking and rutting. The SEA section contained more longitudinal and transverse cracks, and the longitudinal cracks were predominantly outside the wheelpath. Rutting was shown to be slightly less in the SEA section as compared to the control, however, there were measurements within the SEA section that were quite high.


After conferring with state DOT personnel, it was determined that the accumulated 18-kip ESAL loading from construction to present (on the section that was surveyed) was estimated at 100,000 ESALS. Therefore, the AAMAS prediction system and the material characteristics determined from the 1990 report were used to determine which distresses may be present prior to the site visit.

From the AAMAS system and materials characterization, it was determined that neither fatigue cracking nor rutting for this particular site would be problematic. Field observations of rutting seemed to agree with the AAMAS system, however, cracking seemed to be underpredicted by the AAMAS system. Upon evaluation, both the SEA and AC control had significant amounts of longitudinal and transverse tracking, all of which, was classified as low severity. This could possibly indicate either environmental distress development or a loss in tensile strength due to stripping.

Visual inspection of the cores did not indicate that either the SEA or asphalt control section was stripping.

US 62/180, Carlsbad, New Mexico, Section 853501, May 1, 1996


This project is located on combined Route U.S. 62-180 near Carlsbad and was placed during the years of 1981 and 1982. There was only one SEA mix placed with one AC control section. It was discovered during the Phase I phone survey that this section was seal coated shortly after construction. There were no plans for rehabilitation in the next five years.

Prior to the site visit, NMSHTD had provided information containing the stationing and Milepost locations of the sulfur sections. The specific stationing for the previously reviewed (1986) and surveyed sections did not contain an AC control. The NMSHTD information indicated that at the end of the sulfur sections, from Station 860+00 to 870+00, the pavement did not have sulfur present but did have identical cross-sectional thicknesses, therefore this area was used as a control.

Two sections were surveyed and cored which included the asphalt control section as mentioned and a 30/70 Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) mixture. It should be noted that the sulfur site was located from Station 780+00 to 860+00. The sections surveyed were located in the outside, northbound lane of U.S. 62/180. The 30/70 SEA section was located between Station 847+00 and 852+00. The AC control section, built with an AC-10 (modified), was marked between Station 863+00 and 868+00. The stationing was referenced from Chapman Road (Station 873+57).

Eight, 4-inch diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) on both the SEA and control sections were taken. The sampling was split with four cores taken at approximately Station 0-20 and four at approximately Station 5+20. It should be noted that core holes from previous studies were located on both the SEA and control sections.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the control and SEA sections were in fair/good condition. Information from the previous site surveys and from NMSHTD's personnel indicated that a fog seal was applied shortly after construction in 1982. State personnel also indicated that the sulfur section was more deteriorated than the AC control section. This was confirmed with the visual distress survey performed under Phase II.

From the coring operations, the Open-Graded Friction Course could be observed on both the SEA and control sections. The average total pavement thickness from the sections was 19.5cm (7.7 in). The two sections were designed to have approximately a 1.6cm (5/8 in) Open-Graded Friction Course, over a 5.1 cm (2 in) AC or SEA Surfacing Course, over a 14cm (5.5 in) AC or SEA Treated Aggregate Base, over a 15.25cm (6 in) Untreated Aggregate Base. The overall pavement thickness recorded from the cores were consistent with those reported in the NMSHTD Research Report MBRR-85/1 and FHWA-RD-90-110.


In comparison, the two sections seemed to possess the same types of distress, but in differing quantity and severity. The prevalent distresses were longitudinal and transverse cracking. The SEA section contained more longitudinal and transverse cracks, at a higher severity and predominantly outside the wheelpath. Both sections contained low severity raveling in the wheelpaths throughout the section. It was assumed that the raveling throughout the sections is attributed to the quality of the open-graded friction course and not the performance of the asphalt concrete mixture. Also, rutting in the outer wheelpath was compared. At 95% significance, the measured rutting between the sections was statistically different with the SEA having greater rut depth measurements.


After conferring with State DOT personnel, it was determined that the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for this particular section ranged from 1,000-2,000 vehicles per day with an estimated percent trucks at less than 10%. Therefore, a total number of cycles that have been applied to the pavement could be determined based on the beginning traffic from the Construction Report. The AAMAS System, determined that only fatigue cracking for this particular site would be problematic. Rutting seemed to agree with the AAMAS System. Fatigue cracking was predicted by the AAMAS System to be a possible problem in the SEA sections and should not be significant in the AC control. However, upon evaluation, both the SEA and AC control had significant amounts of longitudinal and transverse cracking and some of this distress was categorized as moderate to high severity. This would indicate either environmental distress development or a loss in tensile strength due to stripping.

Visual inspection of the cores did not indicate that either the SEA or asphalt control section was stripping,

Emmaus Ave., Allentown, Pennsylvania, Section 854201, may 15, 1996


Prior to the site visit, PEN-NDOT had provided information containing the station location of the HMAC and sulfur sections. The specific stationing for the previously reviewed (1986) sections were Station 200+00 - 205+00 for the sulfur-extended asphalt section and 265+00 - 270+00 for the control section. It was observed that the first 200 feet of the previously surveyed sulfur-extended asphalt section was covered with an overlay. Therefore, it was decided to begin the Phase II survey 250 feet to the east, where the State had not overlaid, between Stations 202+50 - 207+50.

Two sections were surveyed and cored which included an asphalt control section and a 30/70 sulfur-extended asphalt SEA mixture. The sections surveyed were located in the eastbound lane of Emmaus Avenue (Route 39013). State personnel indicated that the entire site would be overlaid by the end of August, 1996.

Eight, 6-inch diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) on both the SEA and control sections were taken. The sampling was split with four cores taken at approximately Station 0-20 and four at approximately Station 5+10 for each section.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I, it had been relayed that the control and SEA sections had received some patching. During conversations with State personnel, they noted that the sulfur sections were in a greater state of deterioration than the AC control section. This was confirmed with the visual distress survey performed in Phase II. It should be noted however, that in the adjacent westbound lane, the State constructed both an SEA and control section as well, in a checkerboard fashion. It appeared that the sections in the westbound lanes showed opposite conclusions.

The top layer containing the SEA or the AC control mix HMAC for both sections could be observed from the coring operations. The average total pavement thicknesses from the sections was 17.5cm (7 in.). The two sections were designed to have approximately a 1.8cm (1.5 in.) AC or SEA wearing course, over an HMAC scratch course of varying thicknesses from 2.5 - 7.5cm (1 - 3 in.), over patches consisting of a bituminous concrete base course seven inches in depth on top of a subbase approximately 4 1/2 inches thick. The overall pavement thicknesses recorded from the cores are consistent with those as reported in the PENNDOT Pavement Design Report D/4332A. It should be noted that the patches were located in various areas throughout the project length and cores were taken in areas where patches existed and in other areas where there were no patches.


The SEA section that was surveyed showed moderate signs of raveling throughout the entire section compared to the AC control that had none. The AC control did however, show greater signs of transverse and longitudinal cracks. It should be noted that the sections in the westbound lanes immediately adjacent to the eastbound SEA and AC control sections displayed exactly the same types of distress. It was expected that the same types of distresses in the two AC controls and similar distresses in the two SEA sections would occur; instead what was noted was that the distress pattern was the same over the full 24-foot lane width and was independent of mix type. There is no change in traffic pattern or climate conditions that can be attributed to this phenomena. Some explanations for this could be that the plans are incorrect (very doubtful) or the patching that was completed prior to the SEA overlay attributed to the development of the distresses over the full pavement width. Also, what this could mean is that the inclusion of SEA may not be significant in the overall pavement cross-section for this site.


Because this section was not previously cored and included in the FHWA-RD-90-110 there is no way to compare the Phase II field data to any laboratory data. Therefore, use of AAMAS to predict any of the distresses that may be present was not completed.

Visual inspection of the cores did not indicate that either the SEA or asphalt control section was stripping. However, there were one or two sulfur-extended asphalt cores that showed signs of stripping between the SEA and HMAC base.

SR 15, Near Philadelphia, Mississippi, Section 862801, June 19, 1996


The project is located on Route 15 in Neshoba County from Milepost 2.7 to 8.2. There are two different SEA mixes and three AC control sections. There are three sections of a 30/70 SEA mix and three sections of a 40/60 SEA mix. The original SEA surface was still in service but rehabilitation was planned for later in 1996.

MSHD provided as-built plans containing the station location of the HMAC and two sulfur sections. The stationing selected, corresponded with the previously reviewed sections. The stationing for the control section was 415+00 - 420+00, for the 30/70 sulfur-extended asphalt section 575+00 - 580+00 and for the 40/60 sulfur-extended asphalt section 599+50 - 602+00. The sections were all fall-depth with identical thicknesses. The 40/60 SEA section contained only three hundred and fifty feet of full-depth SEA. The sections were marked by MSHD personnel.

Three sections were surveyed and cored which included an asphalt control section, a 30/70 sulfur-extended asphalt SEA mixture, and a 40/60 sulfur-extended asphalt SEA mixture. The sections that were surveyed were located in the southbound lane of State Route 15.

Eight, 6-inch (150mm) diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) were cored on the 40/60 SEA section and eight 4-inch (100mm) diameter cores were taken for the remaining two sections. The sampling was split with four cores taken approximately twenty-five (25) feet outside the end of the section.


Based on the phone survey conducted under Phase I and the as-built plans, it had been noticed that there were three types of sections each having three different cross-sectional thicknesses. The HMAC thicknesses varied from 4.5-inches to 9-inches. All of the sections that were surveyed were full-depth 9-inches. The sulfur sections and the AC control sections contained similar distresses. It should be noted however, that the distresses found in the control section were higher in severity than the SEA sections.

The thicknesses of the top layer containing the SEA or the AC control mix for both sections could be observed from the coring operations. The average total pavement thicknesses from the sections was 20.9cm (8 1/4 in.). The three sections were designed to have approximately a 3.8cm (1.5 in.) AC or SEA surface course, over an AC or SEA binder course approximately 1.8cm (1.5 in.), over 15.25 cm (6 in.) AC or SEA black base on top of a subbase approximately 15.25 cm (6 in.) thick. The overall pavement thicknesses recorded from the cores were consistent with those as reported in the MSHD Report No. FHWA-TS-82, Field Trial with Sulfur-Extended-Asphalt (SEA) Binders in Mississippi, 1982.


The SEA sections that were surveyed showed moderate signs of raveling in the wheel path throughout the entire section and light raveling outside the wheel path throughout the entire section. The AC control section had only light raveling throughout the entire section. The AC control did however, show a higher severity of transverse cracks.


Based on the information contained in the FHWA-RD-90-110 and the AAMAS relationships it was anticipated that fatigue cracking should be more of a concern in the SEA sections than in the AC control section. Rutting was anticipated to be very similar between the SEA and AC control. It should be noted that only the AC control and the 30/70 SEA section were tested and no information on the 40/60 SEA mix is contained in FHWA-RD-90-110. The rutting predictions were confirmed with the distress surveys performed during Phase II, however, there is more fatigue cracking in the control than in the SEA which is opposite from what was anticipated.

SR14, Elk City, Idaho, Section 851601


This project is located on the Elk City Highway on State Highway 14. State Personnel indicated that there was one section of SEA mix with one control section. The current condition of the roadway was classified as good and State Personnel indicated that there had been one and possibly two chip-seals placed on the section. The first chip-seal occurred soon after the project was completed and the next possibly occurred seven years after the first chip-seal. Specific details were unavailable on these chip seals but it is speculated that the frictional resistance was not satisfactory based on the limited amount of time between construction and treatment application. State Personnel also indicated that there is a monument post indicating where the sulfur project begins and that reports on the project had been completed.

State DOT personnel reported that rehabilitation was scheduled for portions of SR 14 in August, 1996. A complete set of plans and a report for the construction of the sulfur sections was obtained for this site. State personnel were contacted in July to schedule a site visit, and reported that the entire sulfur site was currently being overlaid with 3/8 to 1/2 inch hot-mix asphalt. A chip seal was to be added in August. DOT personnel offered to provide coring and storage of the cores, and mentioned that the states PMS might contain current distress data for SR 14.

Idaho DOT provided as-built plans containing the station location of the project from which two HMAC and two sulfur sections were selected. The stationing we selected corresponded with the previously reviewed sections. The stationing for the control sections were 827+00 to 832+00 and 1386+00 to 1391+00, for the 30/70 sulfur-extended asphalt sections 975+00 to 980+00 and 1650+00 to 1655+00. The sections were all full-depth with various aggregate base thicknesses.

Eight, 4-inch (100mm) diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) were cored for each of the 30/70 SEA sections and AC Control sections. The sampling was split with four cores taken approximately twenty-five (25) feet outside each end of the section. The cores arrived were shipped from Idaho and were photographed and examined. Distress data was obtained from the Idaho DOT Pavement Management System (PMS). The distress data was collected for the PMS in September 1995 and the rutting data was collected in July 1993.


Visual observations of pavement distress were not completed as part of Phase II. However, distress data representative of the sections was obtained from the Idaho DOT PMS.

The site was reconstructed and a level-up of hot-mix was used of varying thickness. The sections were designed to have approximately 7.6cm (3 in.) of hot-mix with 22.9cm (9 in.) to 30.5cm (12 in.) of aggregate base on a granite subgrade. The sections had two chip seals since their construction. A 1.0 cm (3/8 in.) to 1.3cm (1/2 in.) overlay was placed on the sections before coring. The average thickness could not be determined by the cores, because several cores broke or were unable to be fully extracted from the roadway.


The PMS data indicated that alligator cracking was apparent in all the sections in equal amount and severity. The AC sections contained a small amount of low severity longitudinal cracking. The SEA section containing the 23cm (9 in.) aggregate base showed the only signs of low severity transverse cracking. Rutting data indicated that the average rutting for AC sections was 1.42cm (0.56 in.) and 1 cm (0.40in.) for the SEA sections.

Visual inspection of the cores indicated that both the AC and SEA sections may contain some stripping. Many of the cores that were extracted split along an interface. This could be signs of delamination occurring between the level-up and AC/SEA layer or between lifts in the AC/SEA layer. Crystalline deposits of sulfur were visible along the delamination area.


Data from the previous survey contained in FHWA-RD-90-110 provided the necessary information to complete an analysis. The AAMAS results indicated that after approximately five million Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALS) that fatigue cracking and rutting would be present. PMS data provided confirmed this finding with average rutting of 1.25cm (1/2 in.) and low severity alligator cracking.

TH 63. Rochester, Minnesota, Section 862701, August 27, 1996


This section is located on Trunk Highway 63 between Rochester and Zumbro Falls and was placed in May of 1979. There is one section with one SEA mix and a corresponding control section. The original SEA surface was still intact and was in good condition. There were no plans for rehabilitation in the next four years.

State DOT personnel provided information about the construction of the test sections. From this information it was determined that the existing pavement had been given a level up course of approximately two inches with a 1-1/2-inch overlay of sulfur-extended asphalt or regular HMAC. Stationing locations were determined from construction plans and specs provided and verified by information from previous surveys.

Three sections were identified for this study. The first section contained a 40/60 SEA blend and was located at Milepost 55.4-55.5. After coring began, it was noticed that a transverse joint existed within the section signifying two different mixes had been laid. After cores were extracted, it was determined that the first half of the section up to Station 1+50 contained the normal HMAC mixture and that the remaining 350 feet of section contained the actual sulfur-extended 40/60 asphalt. The next section consisted of an HMAC mixture with a 200/300 pen grade located at Milepost 57.0-57.1. The third section contained an HMAC section with 120/150 pen grade located at Milepost 58.0-58.1. Eight, 4-inch (100mm) diameter cores (four midlane and four wheelpath) were cored for the 40/60 SEA section and AC control sections. The sampling was split with four cores taken approximately 25 feet outside each section end.


Thicknesses of the cores corresponded with the construction plans and specifications provided by the State. Variations were found in the existing pavement layer and level up course. Core thicknesses varied 1-2 inches. The average thickness of the cores extracted from the end of Section No. 1 containing sulfur was 20.25cm (8 inches).


It was clearly visible by the distress surveys that the sulfur-extended asphalt sections exhibited a greater resistance to rutting and bleeding. This was clearly apparent in the 40/60 SEA section that had the first 150 feet of regular HMAC. The bleeding and rutting that was collected for Section No. 1 ended at Station 1+50, indicating that the HMAC was prone to these types of distresses. Observations of the two control sections of regular HMAC exhibited similar types of distresses and severities. The control sections predominantly had bleeding and rutting in the wheel paths with moderate severity transverse cracking. No sign of raveling was noticed on the control sections whereas the sulfur-extended asphalt section did contain this type of distress. The cores extracted from all sections exhibited signs of stripping. However, the HMAC sections exhibited the greater degree of stripping and advanced deterioration.


Based on the information provided in FHWA-RD-90-110, it was anticipate that fatigue cracking and rutting would be encountered on all sections during the distress survey. It was also anticipated that many more thermal cracks (transverse cracks) would be present on the SEA section than on the control section. The surveys actually did show that there were more transverse cracks in the SEA section when compared to the 200-300 pen AC control section. However, rutting and fatigue cracking were not a problem on either of these two sections. The 150-200 pen AC control section, however, had many more transverse cracks as well as significantly higher rutting measurements.

Glendale Ave., Phoenix, Arizona, Section 850401

Based on several discussions with personnel at the Arizona DOT, FHWA, and the Western Research Institute, it was later decided that a visit to this particular site would not be cost effective. The sulfur extended material was in the base and distinctions in performance for the various sections would likely be indistinguishable. With this in mind no visit to this section was conducted.


A clear distinction in performance was not identified between the sulfur extended asphalt sections and their control counterparts. Distinctions in design (layer thicknesses and layers selected to contain SEA) and construction made comparisons between projects inappropriate in some cases. From reviewing Table 2 it does appear that the sulfur extended sections are more resistant to fatigue and longitudinal cracking and possibly even somewhat more rut resistant, but no clear distinctions in transverse cracking or surface defects (such as bleeding and raveling) were detected.

Table 5 has been prepared to summarize the results of the AAMAS predictions. The "differences" shown denote how much more (or less) was expected on the control vs. the SEA. For comparison purposes the actual data and its percent difference are also shown. Although these are very crude approximations for most of the sections, the predictions of fatigue and rutting matched the actual observations quite well. The predictions of thermal cracking, however, were not nearly as successful. Materials data for characterization of thermal cracking was very limited, however, which might explain the less reasonable predictions for transverse cracking.

Although the study focused on the evaluation of performance for existing SEA sections, if a decision is to be made regarding the use of sulfur extension of asphalt, one must also consider the "real costs" associated with:

1.) Worker safety/health,

2.) Emissions during construction and/or environmental impact,

3.) Rehabilitation issues (specifically as they relate to recycling or reuse of existing material).

Although these issues were not the focus of these investigations, the importance and impact of these issues was made very clear to the research team by various highway agencies during the course of these investigations. These issues frequently came up during discussions and interviews with highway agency personnel associated with these projects and from the reports provided, documenting the construction of these sections (where available).


1. Beatty, T., K. Dunn, E.T. Harrigan, K. Stuart, and H. Weber, "Performance Evaluation of Sulfur-Extended Asphalt Pavements", Document DP54-01 Federal Highway Administration, April 1993.

2. Stuart, K.D., "Performance Evaluation of Sulfur-Extended Asphalt Pavements-Laboratory Evaluation", Report No. FHWA-RD-90-110, Federal Highway Administration, November 1990.

3. Von Quintus, H.L., J.A. Scherocman, C.S. Hughes and T.W. Kennedy, "Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System", National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 338, Transportation Research Board, March 1991.

4. Killingsworth, B., and J. Daleiden, "Evaluation of Sulfur Extended Pavements", Phase I - Final Report, Brent Rauhut Engineering Inc, December, 1993

5. Stuart, K.D., "Evaluation of ASTM Test Method D 4867, Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures", Report No. FHWA-RD-97-098, Federal Highway Administration, June 1997.

6. Harp, R., and East, W., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt Paving Project", City of Anaheim, Anaheim, California, 1983.

7. Tenison, J., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt Cement Concrete Design, Construction and Evaluation Report", Research Report MB-RR-85/1, New Mexico Highway Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1985.

8. Crawley, A., "Field Trial With Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Binders in Mississippi", Mississippi DOT, Jackson, Mississippi, August, 1982.

9. Olson, R., and Cassellius, R., "First Field Trials With Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Binders in Minnesota", MNDOT, St. Paul, Minnesota, August, 1982.

10. Montgomery, E., "Evaluation of Idaho's First Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Pavement Demonstration Project No. 54", IDDOT, Boise, Idaho, June, 1982.

11. Predoehl, N., "The Construction and Initial Evaluation of Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Pavement in a Hot Climate (Interim Report I)", CALTRANS, Sacramento, California, January, 1986.

12. Predoehl, N., "An Evaluation of Sulphur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Pavements in Cold and Hot Climates", CALTRANS, Sacramento, California, February, 1989.

13. Predoehl, N., "The Construction and Initial Evaluation of a Sulfur-Extended Asphalt (SEA) Pavement in a Cold Climate (Interim Report II)", CALTRANS, Sacramento, California, October, 1986.

14. Jacobs, C., Newcomb, D., Saylak, D., and Gallaway, B., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt Field Trials on MH 153, Brazos County, Texas", Texas Transportation Institute, Project 2536, College Station, Texas, September 1979.

15. Benson, F., and Gallaway, B., "Field Trials of Sulphur-Extended Asphalt in Open-Graded Friction Course, Loop 495, Nacogdoches, Texas", Texas Transportation Institute, Project 2547, College Station, Texas, March 1983.

16. Parry, J., "Performance Evaluation of Sulfur-Extended Asphalt Pavement in Wisconsin", Wisconsin DOT, Madison, Wisconsin, September, 1987.

17. Izatt, J., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt Paving Project", Highway US 93-95, Boulder City, Nevada, The Sulphur Institute, Washington, D.C., January, 1977.

18. Prouty, H., "Sulfur Asphalt Concrete Pavement", Nevada Department of Highway, Carson City, Nevada, November 29, 1977.

19. Mellott, D., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt", Research Project No. 79-15, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, June, 1991.

20. Mellott, D., "Sulphur-Extended Asphalt", Research Project No. 79-15, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, December, 1985.